several work groups
from different shows/spaces
new paintings/Düsseldorf/2023/24
I have started with a new series of images that are situated somewhere between figurative-art and abstraction. However, they are neither one nor the other. They are what they are. As always, they represent nothing. They also symbolize nothing or do not aim to tell a story. They are painted, divided surfaces.
sculptural work/Düsseldorf/2023
These works involve interventions with color on found remnants, aiming to give them a new function and personality. These are mostly remnants consisting of architectural residues, structures that have lost their functions, and fragmented forms. For this reason, it wouldn't be wrong to talk about a kind of collective work in a sense. The protection of aesthetics brought about by serendipity aligns with my artistic understanding. In this series, I am merely indicating that the existing form has taken on a new function.
The working conditions of my studio, "garaj," in Ankara, being intertwined with the outdoor environment, played a decisive role in my choice of spray-paint. My goal was not so much to integrate graffiti materials into gallery art but rather to use their direct, improvisational technical and formal possibilities. These possibilities aligned with the methods and working style I employ in my artistic endeavors—focusing on capturing the moment, embracing simplicity, and reaching results directly.
I've consistently reused this material in a series of exhibitions in Ankara in recent years.
This series presents illusions to the viewer without any basis. It does so deliberately. Preferring a painting method that embraces unexpected results, randomness, or in a sense, "mistakes," is also for this reason. These formations pretend to tell something within the rules of the game of painting. In reality, they are nothing more than individual projections of the accidental traces of the perceptual and intellectual accumulations, experiences of the creator in the moment. Rather than telling the viewer something, they suggest them to derive their own share, to encounter their own realities.